
Being prone to distrust others means that we are prone to mistrust God as well

Introduction to the Devout Life
Part III, Chapters 20-41

English speaking group:
Sr. Grea Mendoza, Bro. Justyn Narzary, Fr Albert Kitungwa Kabuge and Fr. Sebhat Hadgu Kahsay

The third part of Filotea (chapters 20-41).

One of very typical and essential ideas of St Francis de Sales is the respect and honor for laity. In this case we can say that he really was ahead of time because this point is rarely treated in the church until Vatican II. In (3, 38) St Francis de Sales explains marriage as a sacrament which leads the married couples on their road to sanctity. He calls it a nursery of Christianity. He gives advices to them how keep their fidelity, union of heart and he reminds the responsibility of educating their children. He gives St. Monica (mother of St. Augustine) as the model of a mother who leads her child to holiness. For St Francis de Sales procreation is main purpose of marriage.

In (3,29) gives a wise advice not to hurry in blaming others nor in jumping to conclusions in labeling people. He asks to observe and analyze what we here and see before we come to conclusion. Because he believes in change or better on growth or improvement of people. If we look at others we can judge actions but not the person, he says. Let us imagine St. Mary Magdalene: she was sinner but through her deep penitence she became saint; the same with St. Peter. These and other saints can teach us not to judge anyone because of past life history. Yet this does not mean to compromise with the vices of people.

In (3,28) St Francis de Sales affirms that the only true judge is God. The judgment becomes rush because man judges without applying to him/her self. According to St Francis de Sales judgment becomes rush when it is born out of pride, bitterness of heart, minimizing the defects of oneself and maximizing the defects of others, passion (like or dislike or being unrealistic not objective but subjective), lack of trust on others and lack of faith in God.

In part 3, chapter 26, St Francis de Sales invites us to be meek and humble in speaking about God because he says gentleness and loving explanation many hearts of people.

Part 3, chapter 23 speaks of mortification for St Francis de Sales mortification must be moderate and appropriate. That means simple but practical such as to eat what is set before you! To adapt all the taste etc. After all mortification is matter of heart.

Pastoral applications 
  1. To be devoted hence man without devotion is sever, harsh rough creature and woman without devotion is very frail and opted to decline in virtue or lose it(cf.3,38) by this St Francis de Sales means by praying together sanctify each other, especially if one of the couples are unbeliever.
  2. Not to rush to judgment, take time to reflect and discover the right reason. Before we judge to put ourselves in place the one we judge. Charity is remedy no judge others because charity leads to trust others. 
  3. To distinguish true and false friendship and be bold enough to change our friends if they are not good as St. Augustine answers to his old friend …I am no longer the same man (cf. 3,22).

Text by Sebhat Hadgu Kahsay
Photo by Joe Boenzi: English-speaking group with French-speaking guest, 18 December 2009

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