Introduction to The Devout Life
Part One, Chapters 9-24
Group 1
(Steve, John, Rey, Cecilia, Tien)
29 September 2006
Part One, Chapters 9-24
Group 1
(Steve, John, Rey, Cecilia, Tien)
29 September 2006
1. Chapter 11 (p. 55)
With the meditation on "God's Blessings", Francis reminds his readers to remember the bodily gifts God has bestowed on them in comparisonn to those who have been blessed with fewer, even far fewer, gifts: "those with defective bodies or weighed down in poverty, and those with weak minds who are stupid, insane, and foolish."
This seems to us to be very harsh language and sentiments from this gentle saint toward the "lesser-gifted" people of God. Perhaps, without meaning to disparage these unfortunates, Francis desires to have his blessed people be ever more grateful and responsive to the gifts that God has given them for their own benefit and that of others (Fr. O'Brien).
2. Chapter 20 (p. 73)
"The genuine declaration to impress upon oneself the decision to serve God…" Francis presents a lengthy, solemn, and very legalese series of sentences and paragraphs -- we must not forget he had two law degrees! Certainly these vow-like pledges are more from a prayer of dedication and more like a signed, binding contract. Such a formula underscores the serious nature of the commitment after a general confession and repentance.
3. From Chapater 23 (p. 79)
"We must purify ourselfs from attachment to useless and dangerous things", i.e., games, dances, feasts, plays, and pompous celebrations, not evil in themselves, but frequently done in excessive fashion and for extended periods of time. It's okay to get involved in these distractions to a limited degree avoiding excesses and undue attachments. Perhaps he had in mind the frequency and intensity of social involvement in his own times (Sr Cecilia).
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